Friday, December 3, 2010

Nuggets from Watchman Nee

I was reading Watchman Nee's book "The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation" today, and would like to share an excerpt from it. Below is a verbatim passage from the book:

"All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11.24). According to human understanding, to "pray and ask for" is something done now, but the "shall have them" happens in the future. In between "pray and ask for" and "shall have them" is a gap of time. I now pray for healing of the sick, I now pray for the salvation of sinners, I now pray for the success of the work; but I do not know when the sick will be healed, when a particular sinner will be saved, and when this work will be accomplished. According to man's idea, the answer to prayer is bound to come in the future. Yet what the Lord Jesus says here is most amazing. He shows us what is real faith. He asserts that "all things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive [Greek, received] them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24 mg.). In our mind we often convert the word "receive" into "may receive" or "shall receive"; but such a change betrays unbelief. Only one kind of faith is real faith - which is the faith that believes that "God is." "Believe that ye received them" means for me that I believe I have now received them - that I do not wait to receive them in the future. Do we now see how this whole approach differs from our natural concept of the future, for in Christ there is no future tense. Oh, let us not take these words as just another teaching. We need to realize that this has much to do with our spiritual life. This is something about which we cannot afford to be negligent.